Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Iowa rural hospitals make tough choices to stay lean, provide needed care

    Rural hospitals throughout the midwest are struggling to stay open, but in Iowa, small successes have been found through partnerships and resourcefulness. From converting the OB-GYN department to an department that provides mental health help to senior citizens to leasing space to larger hospitals for specialty practices, rural hospitals are finding creative ways to keep their doors open.

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  • N'West Iowa hospitals invest in region

    Despite rural hospitals often struggling to remain open due to lack of consistent demand which creates financial troubles, there are eight hospitals across four rural counties in Iowa that are proving this notion wrong. Through dedicated doctors that have committed to living where they work to a strong community presence providing support, this system of hospitals is performing better than many of the larger counterparts.

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