Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can Seaweed Save American Shellfish?

    Researchers, conservationists, and shellfish farmers on both U.S. coasts are starting and studying seaweed farms as a way to soak up excess nutrients in acidic water to help shellfish survive and grow.

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  • Could the Mississippi River benefit from Chesapeake Bay's strategy to improve water quality?

    A unique regional cleanup program was designed to reduce the nutrient runoff in the Chesapeake Bay using a legally-enforceable pollution quota across six U.S. states.

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  • Using less of the Colorado River takes a willing farmer and $45 million in federal funds

    A federally-funded water conservation program, the System Conservation Pilot Program, is paying farmers in the Upper Colorado River Basin to not use the river’s water during the irrigation season. Leaving their fields dry for the program can earn them more money than they would get from growing crops.

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  • This Utah County Will Buy Your Lawn to Save Water

    A turf buyback program run by the Washington County Water Conservancy District in Utah pays residents to swap their lawns for native plants. It's reducing the amount of water used for landscaping amid a drought.

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  • A Peruvian river with rights: the defenders of the Marañón

    A group of Kukama women, a native community of the Peruvian Amazon, worked with lawyers from the Legal Defense Institute to sue the Peruvian State. The lawsuit was intended prevent and clean up oil spills and pollution in the Marañón River that they’d been fighting against for years. In a historic ruling, the judge recognized that the river has rights and must be protected.

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  • Plastic-choked rivers in Ecuador are being cleared with conveyor belts

    The startup Ichthion created a system that skims plastic off of rivers in Ecuador to prevent it from reaching the ocean. A floating barrier stretches across the river to catch the plastic without disrupting fish, and a person manually guides the pollution onto the shore where it’s sorted for recycling.

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  • Poopspotting: How AI and satellites can detect illegal manure spreading in Wisconsin

    An artificial intelligence model developed by researchers at Standford University analyzes aerial photographs to detect fields with manure illegally spread on them in the winter. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources can use that information to manually check fields for compliance with regulations that are meant to prevent water contamination.

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  • How communities worldwide are working to solve the water crisis

    Communities around the world are developing innovative technological solutions to the growing water crisis. In California, for example, the Orange County Water District runs a wastewater recycling plant that purifies the water enough to be released back into the underground aquifer that supplies drinking water.

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  • Yellowstone Club becomes first ski resort in Montana to turn wastewater into snow 

    The Yellowstone Club ski resort in Montana is misting treated wastewater into the air with machines to make snow. This keeps its ski runs open during dry winters and produces more runoff in the summers to recharge crucial aquifers.

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  • 'Take It Down and They'll Return': The Stunning Revival of the Penobscot River

    The Penobscot Nation gathered a cohort of organizations to form the Penobscot River Restoration Trust so they could purchase and demolish damns that were threatening the river’s health. The river and native fish recovered quickly as a result.

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