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  • Could carbon-removal tech make travel more sustainable?

    Climeworks, a Swiss start-up, is using technology to suck carbon out of the air and turning it into stone, essentially cutting greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere permanently. Their plant in Iceland is able to turn 50 tonnes of carbon to stone per year. While that amount of carbon won’t solve the climate crisis, they are expanding their work to other countries and are launching a personal carbon removal subscription service as a way for the travel industry to help offset the carbon that they emit each year.

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  • This is what one of the world's largest experiments in basic income looks like

    Mumbuca is a digital currency used in Maricà’s basic income program. Residents, with few eligibility requirements, can qualify for a monthly stipend to purchase goods and services using a smart phone or a card. The currency runs on the digital platform E-dinheiro and can only be spent in the city limits. Individuals cannot swap Mumbucas for national currency, but businesses can after a 48-hour waiting period and a 1% fee. Local currencies, which are popular in Brazil, help residents increase personal savings and, with increased stipends during the Covid-19 pandemic, allowed informal workers to stay home.

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  • Going ‘Deep Green,' Office Buildings Give Back to the Planet

    More and more commercial real estate projects are popping up around the United States that are focused on “deep green” building. This movement suggests that it’s not enough to just make a building out of renewable materials, but they can also be self-sustaining. For example, the Watershed, an office building in Seattle, has a slanted roof that collects rainwater that is then used in toilets. These types of projects can be more complicated and expensive to build, but developers can save money in the long run with the improvements.

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  • How the University of Dayton divested from fossil fuels — and what happened to its bottom line

    In 2014, the University of Dayton, a Catholic institution, made a public commitment to divest its investment portfolio from any fossil fuel funding. The university has since fulfilled and stayed strong on its commitment, but the process involved putting together committees to identify and replace fossil fuel companies in its portfolio, looking for more environmentally ethical companies, and investing in more sustainable companies and practices.

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  • Investors say agroforestry isn't just climate friendly — it's also profitable

    With the growing trend in regenerative agriculture, Propagate Ventures is working with farmers to transition them from conventional agriculture to agroforestry. This technique focuses on incorporating trees into farmland which can improve soil health and crop production, and reduce carbon emissions. The company offers farmers help to build the system and connections to investor financing. While implementing an agroforestry system can take time, Propagate Ventures is seeing the interest grow: They’ve expanded to eight states and recently received $1.5 million in capital funding.

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  • Could paying farmers to store carbon help the climate and save farms?

    Indigo Agriculture, an ag-tech startup, is looking to pay farmers to draw carbon dioxide from the air and store it in the ground, which could help mitigate the effects of climate change and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Other companies that want to offset their own emissions can purchase credits on a carbon exchange. While the market hasn’t opened yet and some experts are skeptical about how much carbon the soil will absorb, Indigo Agriculture has signed up more than 5,000 farmers representing 19.8 million acres of land.

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  • How Big Tech is Reshaping the Power Grid

    As part of a deal with Facebook to build a data center in New Mexico, an electric utility is investing in renewable energy to power the center. Through power purchase agreements, which are contracts to buy renewable energy, the social media company is accelerating the state’s transition away from fossil fuels. These contracts often come with large tax breaks for companies, but Facebook will help finance $800 million worth of wind and solar installations that can generate 396 megawatts of power. These agreements can also be implemented in other states who are hardest-hit by the decline of coal consumption.

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  • This Nonprofit Helps Small Business Aid Go Where it Usually Doesn't

    An American nonprofit called the Community Reinvestment Fund expands access to small business loans by partnering with almost two dozen groups across the country to set up and scale up their community development lending. Founded in 1988, the group essentially takes on the risk of a SBA license so that others could benefit from their license. They created an online platform called Spark that redesigned the user interface of the existing loan processor platform to better facilitate the exchange of money. They have now supported loans for 1,000 communities across 49 states.

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  • The Business of Burps: Scientists Smell Profit in Cow Emissions

    A company called Mootral is studying whether changing a cattle’s diet could make the animals belch and flatulate less methane. They created a food supplement out of compounds from garlic, citrus, and other additives, that in early tests, has shown a decrease in a cow’s emission of the greenhouse gas. If they can get investors on board and scale it to different breeds of cows and in different climates, it could help the agricultural and farming industries to combat climate change.

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  • Working Capital for Economic Justice Comes in Handy During a Crisis

    A nonprofit called Common Future is acting quickly to support business owners during the coronavirus crisis. Their board allocated a set amount of money specifically to keep on hand as a rapid response fund, and by early April 2020, they distributed $250,000 in emergency funding to seven organizations. The recipients are intentionally from disadvantaged communities, like rural, black, Indigenous, and other hard-hit demographics. Each organization used the money in different ways to support their target communities. Common Future also set aside 6 months' worth of operating expenses as a buffer.

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