Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • My Friend Died of COVID-19 and I'm Learning How to Grieve in Isolation

    Cell phones are being used as a new tool during the coronavirus pandemic to help people who have lost loved ones to process and cope with their grief. Although mobile therapy platforms and online counseling options have their limitations, counselors still say that, "being online and making sure to connect, even virtually, is crucial for helping people learn how to grieve and recover."

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  • A Bookstore That Closed During the Pandemic Started a Literature Hotline. Now People Are Calling in for Life Advice.

    When the coronavirus pandemic forced a local bookstore in Texas to shut its doors for safety concerns, the owner launched a hotline for readers to call into for book recommendations. Although the instant success has seen a slight decrease in callers as the pandemic has continued, it's still retaining a steady number with many callers turning into patrons.

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  • ‘Dial-A-Priest': Episcopal Clergy Offering Final Prayers Remotely

    Connecting to a priest—by video or telephone—can offer relief to those dying alone. The Virginia Theological Seminary and General Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia, recently launched Dial-A-Priest, a service that allows patients to pray with Episcopal priests. The hotline connects callers to a network of priests on duty to offer final prayer services, 24-hours a day.

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  • Cancer Support Group Helps Each Other During Quarantine

    Immunocompromized individuals are under stricter guidelines to not leave their homes during the coronavirus because they are more susceptible to contracting the virus, but that can leave many feeling isolated. To manage that isolation for cancer patients, the nonprofit Cancer Support Community Redondo Beach is using online technology to connect community members through support groups.

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  • How To Help, Not Harm, While Volunteering During The COVID-19 Pandemic

    Many people are motivated to help out during the pandemic, but without proper hygiene tactics, helping could just be harmful. A group started by medical students in the Netherlands called StudentsAgainstCorona rallies volunteers to contribute in a way that focuses on hygienic above all else. Different "hubs" of the organization have popped up all over the world, and the ratio of volunteers to those requesting help is about 10:1. Students are performing duties like picking up groceries or delivering medicine, and all of them practice strict hygiene rules to prevent the spread.

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  • The latest shortage? Dogs and cats, as folks foster and adopt pets during quarantine

    To manage isolation and the lockdown provisions during the coronavirus, many people are turning to fostering or adopting a new pet. Rescue organizations are implementing social distancing protocols for these adoptions and transfers, as cats, dogs, and rabbits make their way to their new homes to comfort individuals and families during the pandemic.

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  • During Crisis, The Show Goes On For Arizona Performing Artists

    The coronavirus pandemic has caused theaters and other art venues to close, but some performing artists in Arizona are taking their work online to connect with the community. Although this hasn't yet created a stream of revenue, utilizing technology for activities such as live, virtual readings of Shakespeare to open mic nights for spoken-word poetry on Instagram live,, has helped the performing arts community to maintain a connection during times of isolation.

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  • Not going coronavirus outbreak alone: Some find quarantine buddies to lessen isolation

    To better manage the isolation of being quarantined during the coronavirus, people living in the same communities in neighborhoods of Los Angeles are making "quarantine buddies." Although this method of forming small groups to create impromptu families does still impose limitations, it is being called a coping mechanism and alleviates the psychological need for human contact.

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  • Oregon Launches Neighborhood Support For Foster Families Stuck At Home

    Foster families in Oregon are facing unique challenges during the stay at home order of COVID-19, so a new program called My Neighbor aims to alleviate some of their burdens by utilizing their local networks. The Department of Human Services partnered with nonprofit Every Child to create a program that connects Oregonians willing to help out in any way they can to foster families who are looking for support for things like getting groceries or cleaning supplies. They have already received requests from 260 families and foster children and filled 189 of them.

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  • These Teens Are Helping Self-Isolating Seniors Stay Connected

    To help senior citizens through the coronavirus pandemic, teens and young adults are teaching the older people in their communities how to utilize technology. From "using FaceTime, finding reputable news on Facebook, and ordering groceries online," the skills these young volunteers are teaching help bridge the gap between social distancing and isolation.

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