Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Special Olympics NY goes virtual for 50th anniversary

    The Special Olympics turned 50 in 2020, but the pandemic has put a damper on their original birthday plans. People with intellectual and physical differences who participate rely on the games for social connection, so many are suffering from the social quarantine. To make up for it, the Special Olympics has moved online—creating an online fitness video series with the WWE. The program, called School of Strength, features exercises and even downloadable interactive toolkits for coaches and caregivers. After initial hurdles, they are now going live twice a week and posting new content daily.

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  • Rave on: how livestreamed DJ sets are keeping club culture alive

    United We Stream (UWS) is a Berlin-based collaboration of nightlife businesses aiming to keep their businesses and club culture alive – and keep people entertained – during mandated closures because of COVID-19. With nightlife being hit hard by long-term closures, the collaboration offers live-stream DJ sets and asks for donations for participating businesses, with the hope that after the pandemic subsides, Europe’s club culture will survive.

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  • One church's tale of two pandemics, 100 years apart

    The quarantines and shelter-in-place orders that many cities in the United States are enacting today to combat the coronavirus pandemic can be compared to similar tactics taken in 1918 to stop the spread of influenza pandemic. However, with modern-day technology, churches in particular are finding that they are better able to safely reach their members through the use of video conferencing rather than door-to-door visits. For a Los Angeles church, this is part of a comprehensive approach that aims to abide by social distancing requirements while still helping those in need.

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  • Sikhs turn to online Vaisakhi

    Because of Covid-19, Sikh leaders in Southern California organized online celebrations of Vaisakhi, one of the most important days of the year for Sikhs. Raagis, people performing hymns, will be broadcast using a variety of live stream and digital platforms and social “gatherings” will be held on social media. Some are also delivering food and financial support to community members who are struggling. Despite issues with sound quality and a lack of financial resources to invest, bringing the community together for the celebrations is a priority to combat social isolation during the pandemic.

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  • 12-Step Recovery Programs Adapt in the Age of Social Distancing

    When the size of group gatherings began to be limited to prevent the spread of COVID-19, recovery programs had to rethink how to hold meetings – such as moving groups to online formats. Although there are limitations to not meeting in-person, this format has increased accessibility for many participants and allowed them to join meetings from outside of their typical region.

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  • Gainesville Keeps Some Nature Parks Open, Citing Mental Health Reasons

    As a response to COVID-19, Florida closed its state parks, but in Gainesville, they’ve kept a number of city-owned ones open. Among those open is Sweetwater’s Nature Center, which cites the natural spaces as crucial for exercise and mental health. They’re taking precautions, though – adhering to added protections for workers who don’t feel comfortable working, frequent cleanings, and posting signs along the trail as social distance reminders.

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  • Coronavirus diaries are helping people cope. They're also a research gold mine

    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues on, people are turning to social media to share their stories and find communities. With a flood of misinformation online and mixed messaging from government leaders, many are documenting their own experiences having the novel coronavirus to give contextual experiences and reduce others’ anxiety. Researchers have noticed this spike in digital diaries and are using it for research as well.

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  • Prisons' Use of Solitary Confinement Explodes with the COVID-19 Pandemic, While Advocates Push for Alternatives

    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues on, prisons are having to figure out ways to keep it from spreading across inmate populations. A popular response has been cell lockdowns, drawing criticism from advocacy organizations and judges across the country. Being compared to solitary confinement, which takes extreme physical and mental tolls on individuals, groups like Amend, the Vera Institute, and the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture are offering alternative plans that are less punitive while still protecting those experiencing incarceration.

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  • The power of love and a quarantine creates Project 88

    To address the boredom and isolation that many artists are feeling during the coronavirus pandemic, a local independent filmmaker in Oregon created a film project to act as a creative outlet that attracted contributions from more than 300 people across the world. The project – “Project 88: Back to the Future Too” – invited people to recreate one of 88 scenes from the popular franchise film, which filmmaker Taylor Morden then stitched together into the final movie and released online.

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  • RVs for MDs: Matching RVs with Medical Professionals Battling COVID-19

    ER doctors and other hospital staff who need to isolate themselves from their families can use a camper or mobile home to create a safe distance. The Facebook match-making group, RVs for MDs To Fight the Coronavirus, has connected hundreds of camper and RV owners to healthcare workers in need of extra living space. The network has grown to include thousands of members willing to offer the use of their campers free of charge.

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