Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 'How Can I Help You?' Schools Try To Reach Students Struggling With Mental Health During Coronavirus

    The Los Angeles Unified school district has shifted how it’s helping to support students’ mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. By opening up a mental health hotline, they are able to connect students and their families with members of the Crisis Counseling and Intervention Services Unit to help provide emotional guidance and support. Since opening, they’ve already served over 3,500 individuals and are working to develop plans for long-term support.

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  • Nursing homes try to achieve a balance for residents

    In New Hampshire, nursing homes and veteran's homes are turning to online video conferencing and outdoor socially-distanced activities to manage the patients' feelings of isolation during the coronavirus pandemic. Although it does not replace in-person contact, residents have expressed that it has helped and the facilities say that they plan to keep some of the technologies in place post-pandemic so out-of-state family can "visit" more often.

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  • Out your front door

    With stay-at-home orders in place for Coloradans due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many hikers are encouraging people to participate in urban hiking. This growing movement asks people to “treat your neighborhood like a great hike,” says one urban hiker. And a new book on urban hiking highlights 22 different hikes people can take through some local cities and towns. With more people looking to participate in outdoor activities, however, some trails and natural resources have been damaged as people try to social distance and some neighborhood access points have been congested.

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  • A volunteer army has answered Colorado's need for masks. Denver's jails are one recent beneficiary.

    Across Colorado, grassroots groups have come together to create homemade masks for the state’s most vulnerable populations to protect against COVID-19. Two of those populations are Denver’s Downtown Detention Center and Denver County Jail. Groups like Dena’s Mask Making Army, the Mask Mavens, and even some AA and sober living communities have rallied together – virtually, of course – to use their sewing skills to fill the mask needs, about 3 masks per person, for those experiencing incarceration.

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  • How an Alberta text messaging program is helping people cope with COVID-19

    An Alberta Health Services’ text messaging service called Text4Hope is giving people text messages to help them cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. The texts, written by mental health therapists, use cognitive behavioral therapy, helping people disrupt the constant stream of negative thoughts that happen during traumatic times. So far, over 30,000 people have signed up.

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  • As pandemic continues, community nursing effort looks to grow in the Upper Valley

    In the New England region of the U.S., community nurses are working to fill a void in health care during the coronavirus pandemic for those who may require medical attention but do not need hospital care. As described by the co-director of the Upper Valley Community Nursing Project, "the last thing the health care system needs right now is a lot of people in the emergency room because there have been complications of their chronic diseases, or they’ve fallen or they have problems with their medications."

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  • Ramadan In The Age Of Coronavirus: Some Colorado Muslims View Isolation As An Opportunity To Grow In Their Faith

    An Islamic organization called Downtown Denver’s Islamic Center is helping members of their community adjust to the quarantine and maintain their spiritual practice. All services and counseling has been moved online, and their preexisting food assistance program is still going on, albeit adjusted to accommodate for the shortage of volunteers during the quarantine. They even have many one-on-one phone calls with people to work through specific issues. It's not perfect, and they still want to do more, but for now they are serving a great spiritual and communal need.

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  • These coal communities are protecting sick miners from COVID-19 and pushing Congress for more support

    In Tennessee and Kentucky, rural coal communities are drawing on their decades-old networks of mutual aid to protect coal miners from COVID-19. At the legislative level, the National Black Lung Association and other Appalachian groups are coming together to push for more coal miner protections in coronavirus stimulus bills. At the local level, communities are organizing phone trees to share necessary information, helping with grocery and prescription delivery, and providing greater access to broadband for those without reliable internet.

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  • During Ramadan in isolation, Muslims get creative to preserve community

    As the Ramadan season begins, Muslim communities around the world are making adjustments to how they observe it in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Minneapolis, the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood is broadcasting the call to prayer by speaker and in the U.K., the National Huffadh Association has created an online toolkit on how to pray at home. With connection and community a key part of Ramadan, a Reddit thread has started, connecting people for a Secret Santa-style Eid gift exchange, and a Minneapolis programmer has started an online service matching people in time zones to break fast together.

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  • Stressed? Richland County mental health board launches free, confidential helpline

    To better address the increased likelihood of people experiencing stress and anxiety due to the coronavirus pandemic, Richland County mental health providers have launched a hotline for children and families to call for counseling, free of charge. The hotline is staffed by counselors and case managers and is in addition to other crisis intervention phone lines already in place.

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