Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Travel the great indoors for a glimpse of your city's natural world

    Across India, as people are spending more time at home because of restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals in increasing numbers are turning to new ways to connect to nature and each other. They are using their time at home to observe nature out their windows, and in doing so, they are sharing their findings on places like eBird, which “depend on public contribution of data for scientific research.”

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  • Covid-19: Virus-stricken cities go digital to boost solidarity, wellbeing

    Within weeks of the COVID-19 outbreak in cities around the world, online communities flourished as places people used to combat feelings of isolation and to promote community spirits. Virtual parties, educational seminars, and online cultural events connected people across borders and within neighborhoods. In Spain, an early virus hotspot, Nextdoor users created 10 times more neighborhood groups than usual. In Berlin, the city’s vibrant nightlife went digital with about 250 clubs combining to livestream DJ sets every evening.

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  • Lockdown living: how Europeans are avoiding going stir crazy

    As governments order lockdowns of cities and countries due to coronavirus concerns, many people are at risk for experiencing mental health issues such as loneliness and anxiety. To combat this, people are turning to telemedicine for counseling consultations and to keep in touch with loved ones, as well as activities such as exercise to improve moods.

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  • Metro Detroit's yoga community finds breathing space online during COVID-19

    Gyms nationwide have had to close due to the spread of COVID-19, but a yoga studio in Metro Detroit is turning to technology to help deliver classes to the community. With the practice of yoga is associated with stress management, studio owners utilizing virtual options such as Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube in order to help their clientele cope.

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  • Coronavirus lockdowns and high anxiety: Has teletherapy's moment arrived?

    The coronavirus pandemic has caused many in the healthcare industry to rethink how they conduct business, which in some instances has opened the door to telehealth practices. In Louisiana, "emergency public policy changes designed to loosen the regulatory grip on remote counseling," has allowed counseling centers to offer teletherapy to clients but counselors are still navigating how best to attract a clientele and use the technology.

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  • Support groups grapple with social distance and isolation

    Social connection is crucial to recovery for people participating in Alcoholics Anonymous, but the quarantine mandated by the coronavirus has made that impossible. Support groups across the state of Washington are grappling with isolation and, in response, have started meeting over Zoom instead. This article talks to several participants to get their take on it. One person in particular said that meeting online has allowed them to attend more meetings, and it has been a source of comfort during quarantine.

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  • This is what sobriety in a time of crisis looks like

    As meetings and social gatherings of all kinds have been postponed or canceled altogether, the support group Alcoholics Anonymous faced a particular challenge given the imperative and power of their in-person meetings. Fortunately, many chapters have moved their meetings online, to video conference services like Skype or Zoom.

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  • LI senior facilities find unique ways to cope with coronavirus

    At nursing homes in the Long Island area, facilities and their staff have stepped up to ensure residents can use technology to stay connected. They have facilitated performances over Zoom, local school-children send videos to say hello, and lectures and games have been made available online, as well.

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  • For artists, the show must go on—and Zoom is their venue

    Hosting business meetings over Zoom is nothing new during the coronavirus pandemic, but performing artists are also using the platform and adapting their work to the videoconferencing software. After initial performances were a success, an LA theater company called Theater Unleashed began experimenting with the platform and created a Facebook group for U.S. playwrights and actors who wish to participate. An Atlanta organization called Center for Puppetry Arts started hosting Zoom puppet shows. It isn't a seamless transition, but it is inviting creative adaption from creatives all across the country.

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  • Churches seek unique solutions to ban on public gatherings

    Churches are offering online sermons to keep people connected while avoiding large public gatherings during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some are using technology they already had in place to stream online services, while others are setting up new infrastructure to adapt to the changes. Some churches saw a 900% increase in already available streaming worships and others have groups of 50 logging in to new streaming services. While not the same as meeting in person, virtual coffee hours and other programming also help foster connectedness and replace services, like support groups, that many people rely on.

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