Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Where Indigenous land rights prevail in Brazil, so does nature, study finds

    In areas of Brazil where land tenure is formalized, indigenous peoples' reforestation projects are increasing forest cover.

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  • How do wildlife habitat and agricultural lands coexist? The Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust says quite well

    The Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust uses conservation easements to conserve agricultural land in the state. These agreements happen when a landowner sells or donates the development rights to their land to the trust forever. They are allowed to keep farming the land, but it must remain undeveloped.

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  • In the Extinction Capital of the World, A Native School Is Restoring Indigenous Forests

    Led by Native Hawai’ians, Kamehameha Schools owns thousands of acres of land dedicated to stewardship and conservation. The school partners with Native Hawaiian organizations and conducts eco-cultural education programs for students and members of the community to foster connections between them and the environment.

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  • How Tokyo's Farms Have Survived for Centuries

    To protect local farms, Tokyo’s Law on Productive Green Areas allows farmers to register their inner-city urban farms as Productive Green Areas and receive a property tax break. In return, landowners agree not to sell or develop the land. The law allowed 1,240 small farms to survive and was recently extended for another 10 years.

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  • Indigenous youths keep ancient forestry traditions alive in the Philippines

    A forest management tradition practiced by the Indigenous Higaonon in the Philippines called panlaoy helps to protect the local ecosystems from threats. In this practice tribal elders teach young volunteers to immerse in, observe, assess, and document the condition of the ecosystem.

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  • A step beyond organic: Two Nebraska farms embrace biodynamic agriculture

    As farmers look to grow high-quality produce, improve ecosystem health, and reduce their carbon footprint, a growing number of farms are meeting the biodynamic agriculture certification standards in the United States. To achieve this, the farm must meet the organic requirements, dedicate 10% of the land as a reserve, generate its own fertilizer, and use biodynamic preparations.

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  • The green veins of our concrete cities

    Costa Rica’s Interurban Biological Corridors Program is rescuing neglected green spaces around and between protected biological spaces with the help of many organizations and volunteers. After lobbying for political support, volunteers are participating in the organization and cleanup processes.

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  • The Right Way to Repair a Mountain

    The team at the Uttarkashi forest division began training community members to construct biodegradable logs to serve as dams to reduce the amount of topsoil carried away by rainwater. Within the first month of the project, the area saw a 15% increase in new vegetation. There’s now a group of about 70 villagers who create these logs. It’s an easily replicable, low-cost initiative that utilizes community support and is in the process of being implemented and is in the process of being implemented in other parts of the country to protect fragile landscapes like the Himalayas.

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  • Woof, there it is: A spotted lanternfly!

    With their keen sense of smell, dogs are being used to detect spotted lanternfly eggs before they hatch, preventing the invasive species from devastating vineyards. Once trained, the dogs search from January to April to detect the pest early and their efforts are slowing the spread of the lanternfly from forests to vineyards.

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  • Conservationists Are Saving America's Prairies by Selling Them Off

    The Nature Conservancy uses conservation easements to protect prairie land in Oregon. These legal agreements allow landowners to sell their land to the conservancy but continue to use it for activities like farming and ranching.

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