Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Transitional kindergarten is growing in Oakland to meet increased demand

    In California, four-year-olds who don’t meet the traditional kindergarten cut-off requirement can attend transitional kindergarten, which can help improve their kindergarten readiness and help educators identify English language development and special education needs much earlier. Oakland Unified School District’s transitional kindergarten program has become so popular that it has added about 10 new classes each school year.

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  • An Elementary School Tries a 'Radical' Idea: Staying Open 12 Hours a Day

    To help address falling enrollment and families’ lack of child care, Brooklyn Charter School extended the school day to twelve hours, providing before- and after-school activities and meals. So far, 80 students have signed up for the expanded hours and the school’s enrollment has rebounded from pandemic lows.

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  • Birmingham violence prevention initiative is 'putting people in positions to win'

    The Surge Project and EmpowerED Birmingham uplift local youth by providing mentorships, tutoring, healthcare resources, workforce development programs and educational opportunities in various fields. In the program's 2023 pilot partnership with the National Training Institute for Healthcare technicians, 32 of the 40 participants graduated with a phlebotomy or EKG certification, and 19 of them were local high school students.

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  • Despite Russian attacks, Ukrainians are determined to send their children to school

    To ensure children can safely attend school during the war, schools are building classrooms in underground metro stations. Over 2,000 students currently attend school in one of the five metro station classrooms built so far.

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  • ‘It's been such a gift for me.' Apps help schools and families overcome language barriers

    The ReachWell app helps break down language barriers by allowing teachers to text in English and parents to receive messages in their own language. Translation apps like ReachWell allow parents to be more engaged in their child’s education. The app is currently used in several school districts and is also beginning to partner with emergency service agencies to provide alerts in other languages besides English.

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  • English learners stopped coming to class during the pandemic. One group is tackling the problem by helping their parents

    ourBRIDGE for Kids is a school-based program that helps English language learners improve their language skills. Since the pandemic increased rates of chronic absenteeism among English language learners, ourBridge shifted its focus to also provide family services to provide comprehensive support, like secure housing and grocery delivery, that helps keep youth in school.

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  • 'Happier families, happier students': How Denver's community hubs are helping migrants

    Denver Public Schools’ Community Hubs provide wide-ranging support for students and their families, from language classes and GED programs for parents learning English to food pantries, financial education courses, and mobile medical appointments. The hubs have served more than 4,000 families since launching in 2022, with roughly 600 migrant families being served this year.

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  • Oakland debate group gives low-income students opportunities usually exclusive to private schools

    The Bay Area Urban Debate League serves students in low-income communities by providing debate opportunities they otherwise wouldn’t be able to access or afford. Teaching debate and participating in tournaments teach students valuable life skills like argumentation, critical thinking, research and logic. In 2023, the Bay Area Urban Debate League served 300 middle and high school students.

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  • More Colorado students are eating school meals now that they're free. The state might cut back.

    After Colorado limited tax deductions for high earners to help fund free school meals, participation in breakfast programs rose 35 percent, while schools saw participation in lunch programs increase by 31 percent. However, the tax changes did not provide enough revenue to fully cover the cost of the free meals, and lawmakers are now considering whether to limit eligibility for the free meals.

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  • An unexpected way to fight chronic absenteeism

    A Bessemer Elementary School, a telemedicine program launched in 2021 is combatting high rates of absenteeism by providing health care in school. Students can log into a computer at school and receive care, then head back to class rather than having to miss school for doctor visits or sick days. Since the program launched, absenteeism at the school fell from 49% during the 2021-2022 school year to 37% last year.

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