Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Colorado's latest tool to fight forest fires: Mushrooms

    The Colorado-based mycology center Boulder Mushroom is spreading fungi mycelium — the underground, root-looking part of a mushroom — across forest floors that were thinned to mitigate wildfires. The mushrooms quicken the pace at which sawdust and other potential fire fuel decays and improve soil health.

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  • The slow recovery of millennial-old salt marshes in Spain

    In Spain's Bay of Cádiz, locals have spent years collaborating with universities, scientists, and government entities to restore their bay's traditional salt marshes. The results? A revived economic sector, a community adapted to rising sea levels, and protected migratory birds.

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  • The World's Soils Are Becoming Dangerously Degraded, but Rare Microbes Offer Hope

    The startup Puna Bio collects microbes that live on the high-altitude La Puna plateau and turns them into a product that farmers can apply to soybeans to increase yields and improve soil health. Since they adapted to survive in such a harsh climate, the microbes can survive depleted soil and extreme weather to pass along key nutrients and antioxidants to crops.

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  • How to harvest water from clouds of fog

    As the drought in Kenya drags on, people are collecting water from the air by using plastic to funnel fog off of trees into buckets at night or a machine that pulls water from hot, moisture-filled air like a dehumidifier would.

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  • Making cities 'spongy' could help fight flooding — by steering the water underground

    The concept of “sponge cities” is taking off as a way to prevent flooding. This style of urban design focuses on creating environments that absorb more water with plants and open ground as opposed to pipes and concrete.

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  • La primera planta de tratamiento de aguas con microalgas

    Una iniciativa público-privada impulsada por la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FAUBA), busca tratar aguas residuales urbanas y producir biofertilizantes a partir de organismos que se utilizan para suplementos dietarios humanos y animales.

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  • The ancient Sri Lankan 'tank cascades' tackling drought

    A hydraulic network of man-made water tanks built 2,000 years ago, called an ellangawa, collects rainwater that locals in Maeliya, Sri Lanka, can release during the dry season to support the rice crop and recharge the groundwater.

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  • How artificial intelligence plus local expertise can promote ‘good fire' in Montana

    The Potential Operational Delineations (PODs) framework combines analytics and local expertise to assess fire risk by marking out locations on a map where fire can best be stopped. The risk is then used to identify where best to suppress the fire and where it can continue to burn to benefit the environment and prevent future fires. From there, experts decide how to respond to a fire in each section of the map in advance, which can also include prevention tactics.

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  • The Backyard Farmers Who Grow Food With Fog

    El Movimiento Peruanos sin Agua is leading an initiative to install fog catchers in communities across Peru that lack access to water as they continue to face a drought. The nonprofit provides communities with a netted device, a network of tubes, and storage containers that they put together to harvest water from fog.

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  • Why Iowa farmers are turning to irrigation during drought. And why some are not.

    Farmers in Iowa are slowly turning to irrigation systems instead of relying solely on rain to combat more frequent droughts.

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