Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Being a new teacher is hard. Having a good mentor can help

    The Alaska Statewide Mentor Project connects new classroom teachers with retired educators who provide mentorship around lesson planning, grading, classroom management, and other challenges they face early in their careers. Research shows that new teachers who receive high-quality mentorship are more likely to stay in the field.

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  • Pounding the pavement: How running is a way to combat substance abuse and mental health issues

    Back on My Feet helps people experiencing homelessness and substance use through the power of exercise, specifically running. Participants have ran more than 950,000 miles and 70% of them have found employment and housing. Moreover, participating in the group helps people in need find a sense of community and build a support system.

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  • After 50 years, this Vancouver immigrant services agency is busier than ever

    S.U.C.C.E.S.S. is an immigrant services agency that connects immigrants with the resources they need to adjust to life in Canada. The group helps an average of 73,000 people each year from more than 150 countries and provides assistance in finding affordable housing, English language training, career and social services and accessing care for seniors.

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  • ROCA's relentless commitment to disrupting gun violence shows signs of success

    The four-year ROCA program reaches out to young men in Baltimore at risk of becoming involved in gun violence. Youth workers check in on participants a few times a week and give them opportunities to learn the skills necessary to find a job. The program's lessons are based on cognitive behavioral therapy and remind participants to pause and think before they act.

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  • Using Zoom To Connect Returning Citizens To Resources And Community

    Re-Entry 2.0 is a virtual program that supports people's transition from prison to life outside by providing moral support, connection, and ongoing assistance. The program hosts a community that includes people who were formerly incarcerated, volunteers, nonprofits, family members, and others who work to address issues like learning new technologies, job placement, and accessing food banks.

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  • Western Massachusetts helpline a Call for Change seeks to end intimate partner violence where it starts—with the people causing the harm

    The Call for Change Helpline in Massachusetts takes phone calls from across the country to help prevent domestic violence. The line is confidential and anonymous. Most callers are people causing harm, and responders are trained to help them change abusive behavior.

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  • The Benevolents

    At a call center in Montreal, Tel-Aide, staff members are trained to be active listeners without providing guidance or advice to callers looking for someone to talk to.

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  • After rocky start, hopes up in Oregon drug decriminalization

    Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act emphasizes getting treatment and decriminalizes possession of personal-use amounts of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and other drugs. Supporters of the act say that decriminalization reduces the stigma of addiction and keeps people who use drugs out of jail. In the first year of decriminalization, about 16,000 people accessed services.

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  • Black foster youth who age out struggle to find housing

    HomeAid builds and renovates affordable housing and shelters for people transitioning out of homelessness and also helps provide housing resources for those aging out of the foster care system. Affordable housing for people aging out of foster care provides them with a stepping stone to self-sufficiency, where they learn responsibilities like paying rent, opening a savings account, and managing their bills.

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  • How Telementoring Programme Aided Sudan's Fight against COVID-19

    To make healthcare more accessible and relieve overwhelmed medical centers, Sudanese American doctors used telementoring to train over 400 medical students across Sudan in the necessary skills to serve their local communities.

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