Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Omamas: Roma women fighting generational poverty in Slovakia

    Through the Omama program, Roma women provide individual lessons to Roma children under the age of six living in settlements and disadvantaged communities, where they may not have access to crucial early childhood education. The lessons, which focus on motor skills, cognitive development, and Slovak language proficiency, have benefited roughly 900 children so far.

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  • Community land trusts can help improve local housing affordability

    Through a land trust, Community Partners in Affordable Housing sells homes to buyers at a fixed cost while maintaining ownership of the land they’re built on, allowing those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford market rate housing to become homeowners. Some of the homes are even built by high school students enrolled in a local Geometry in Construction program.

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  • The Guaranteed Income Program That's Helping Black Moms – and Trying to Change the World

    In Jackson, Mississippi, the nonprofit-run Magnolia Mother’s Trust is a guaranteed income program providing a no-strings-attached monthly stipend of $1,000 to Black mothers living in affordable housing to help them combat poverty.

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  • The Initiative Enabling Nigerian Farmers To Grow And Earn More

    Babban Gona is an agriculture company that helps smallholder farmers in Nigeria produce bigger yields and increase their incomes. The company offers training, fertilizer, herbicides, and seeds in exchange for some of the farmer’s harvest. When the produce sells, the farmers get some of the profit and a bonus if it sells for more than expected.

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  • "An Amazing Commitment to Children"

    Across the United States, Friends of the Children is matching kindergartners with professional, paid mentors they will meet with for a few hours every week until they graduate high school. The nonprofit has been successfully breaking the cycle of generational poverty in over 30 cities since 1993.

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  • 'It helps with my stress': US basic income project shows signs of success

    A pilot project by a pair of nonprofits in Atlanta, Georgia, gives monthly, no-strings-attached payments of $850 to 650 predominantly Black women who are earning 200% or less of the federal poverty level. The goal of the concept, called guaranteed income, is to combat poverty while giving the recipients agency to spend the money on their specific needs.

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  • This Organisation is Helping Women to Win Against Unemployment

    To combat unemployment, the Girls2Women Initiative runs 6- to 12-week training programs for girls and women in underserved communities in Nigeria. During this time they learn skills they can use to find a job or start their own business in industries like graphic design, decor, and tailoring.

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  • Loaves of bread bring happiness 

    The ADAMÂ Bakery trains and employs refugees in Uganda to make bread. This way they can earn a living while also feeding unaccompanied minors in the refugee settlements.

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  • More cities are offering no-strings-attached cash to residents. Here's what Philly can learn.

    Funded by a philanthropic donation and funds raised by the city, a guaranteed income program in Durham, North Carolina, provided people who were formerly incarcerated with a monthly stipend of $600. The no-strings-attached payments are meant to decrease recidivism by helping recipients meet their needs.

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  • ¿Puede la bioeconomía tomar el relevo al petróleo en la Amazonia ecuatoriana?

    Naku, un centro de ecoturismo creado por los sapara (una de las once nacionalidades amazónicas del Ecuador), protege la selva, comparte su cosmovisión y genera recursos económicos de manera sostenible. El proyecto emplea a más de 30 familias y los ingresos generados van a un fondo común para financiar la educación de los niños y brindar servicios de salud.

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