Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Tucson's Southside Worker Center has helped undocumented workers earn fair wages over decades

    Tucson’s Southside Worker Center supports day laborers by offering a safe place for them to wait for employment and services like English-language workshops and connections to attorneys should they need help collecting past-due payments.

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  • The South has a new union—and workers have Black women to thank

    As a continuance of the Fight for $15 and a Union southern chapter Raise Up, the Union of Southern Service Workers is a first-of-its-kind, cross-sector union that offers membership to fast food, retail, warehouse, care, and other service industry workers across southern states. With Black women emerging as leaders, these organizations have built a multigenerational, multiracial labor movement that sheds light on the realities low-wage service workers have faced for decades.

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  • How A North Side Group Is Urging Chicago Businesses To Adopt Trans-Inclusive Hiring Practices

    The Chicago Therapy Collective’s HireTransNow initiative provides businesses with guidelines for the hiring process to help them recruit more transgender employees. It also offers training sessions and access to a job board for transgender applicants on a sliding-scale payment basis.

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  • An ‘OG COVID Crew' nurse at Tucson's Banner-University, her story illustrates Arizona's urgent health care dilemmas

    The COVID-19 pandemic shed light on, and exasperated, existing issues in Arizona’s healthcare industry. Medical staff are still dealing with the repercussions and are speaking up to demand better working conditions.

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  • For Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia, Facebook becomes a tool for empowerment

    Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia are leveraging Facebook groups to raise awareness around poor working conditions, empower migrant workers to understand their labor rights, and provide a source of community and connection for employees who are often isolated and in need of support.

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  • Absent Federal Oversight of Animal Agriculture Safety, States and Others Step Up for Change

    Organizations like Milk and Dignity are filling in the worker safety gaps left behind in federal regulations by working with farms to implement worker-driven protections.

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  • KCATA tackled its driver shortage. Now, bus drivers want to see more change

    In a complex effort to increase morale among bus drivers and address worker shortages, the Kansas City Area Transit Authority has negotiated a new union contract with drivers and maintenance crews to increase their hourly wage. Through the new contract and intensified recruitment efforts, the KCATA has hired an additional 55 drivers, exceeding its goal of 45 more drivers by the end of this year.

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  • How an LGBTQ conference is shaping the business job market

    Reaching Out MBA's LGBTQ+ conference provides a space for LGBTQ+ business students to find a sense of community, learn from others in their field, and connect with companies specifically interested in hiring LGBTQ+ employees. In the past, roughly 90 percent of job-seeking attendees have been selected for coffee chats or interviews with recruiting companies, and about 27 percent have come away with job offers.

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  • Standing up in the wage gap!

    The Power on Heels Fund provides annual training for Latinas and women of color to raise awareness about the gender pay gap and teach them to advocate for themselves when it comes to pay. The organization also provides scholarships to students and professionals, which helped one previous recipient obtain a needed certification to open her own business.

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  • Money Talks: Is pay transparency good?

    In some places, like NYC, there are pay transparency laws in place in an effort to reduce pay inequality. Similarly, there are several companies with pay transparency policies in place to both reduce pay gaps between different groups and improve employee satisfaction.

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