Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Period poverty, reusable pads and the quest to keep Nigerian girls in school

    Pad a Queen distributes reusable menstrual products to girls in schools, orphanages, and correctional facilities in Oyo State and provides education about menstrual health and hygiene. The organization has handed out more than 5,000 reusable pads, which has resulted in a significant drop in absences among girls during their menstrual cycles.

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  • In some Chicago wards, residents vote on how tax money is spent. Should all Chicagoans get a seat at the budget table?

    In some wards of Chicago, residents are able to directly weigh in on city council spending and projects through an annual participatory budgeting process. Citizen input has helped bring a range of capital improvements to fruition, from public exercise stations in local parks to efforts to replace lead-contaminated water fountains in schools.

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  • Au Bangladesh, l'éducation des filles passe par la lutte contre le mariage précoce

    Pour encourager les filles à rester à l’école, le programme « The right to be a girl » enseigne aux filles les dangers des mariage de mineures et leurs droits légaux. Les participants reçoivent également de la formation et des fournitures pour offrir des services tels que la couture et les soins de beauté, ce qui aide à compenser les coûts de scolarité qui peuvent peser sur les familles. Le programme a bénéficié à près de 3 000 filles, dont aucune n’a été mariée avant l’âge légal.

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  • A School Where Children Correct Their Own Mistakes

    For 30 years, the village school in Reznovice, Czech Republic has used a system of formative assessment, which relies less on traditional grading and encourages students to be more active in leading their learning and assessing their own progress. Parents report that they like the more in-depth form of assessment because it makes it clear where their children excel and need more improvement.

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  • Tracka, the initiative tackling corruption in Nigeria's public sector

    In an effort to fight government corruption, an initiative called Tracka monitors public spending allocations and holds town hall meetings in communities across Nigeria to educate residents about the budgeting process. The organization has engaged 967 communities and helped hold officials accountable for projects that were funded but never completed, such as an electricity substation in Kawu.

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  • This Nigerian media outlet pushes for justice around banking issues

    The Foundation for Investigative Journalism was founded in 2020 to promote and provide accountability in society and advocate for justice on behalf of victims of Nigeria's faltering banking system. The outlet runs a news impact desk, where people can submit complaints of bank fraud or mismanagement directly; then FIJ requests evidence from the aggrieved parties, conducts reviews and fact-checking. The outlet handles 10-20 cases a month, and has facilitated the recovery of over $150,000 for aggrieved individuals since its founding.

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  • In the Shadowy World of Animal Poaching, There's a New Cop in Town

    HAWK, or Hostile Activity Watch Kernel, is a digital intelligence gathering system for wildlife crime in India. Field staff use HAWK’s app to enter data when they encounter a crime, which generates the documents an officer needs to submit in court. Since HAWK’s 2020 rollout, the criminal investigation process has been streamlined, resulting in fewer errors, quicker processing times, and more transparency. Building off its success, HAWK is now being introduced to more Indian states.

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  • Professor launches first happiness studies master's program

    Higher education institutions such as Centenary University and Yale University are now offering courses and programs in “happiness studies,” an academic discipline that draws on philosophy, theology, neuroscience, literature, and psychology to examine what helps people thrive. Nearly 1,200 students signed up for Yale’s first happiness course, and a 2021 study found that students who participated in a happiness class reported better mental health.

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  • A sanctuary of literary rituals moulds teenagers into star writers

    Through the Hill-top Creative Arts Foundation, teen writers in Nigeria receive mentorship from established writers and learn to give critique and be critiqued by their peers, with the ultimate goal of helping them become published authors.

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  • Georgia voters sign up in record numbers following change to automatic registration in 2016

    After Georgia implemented an automatic voter registration system that’s integrated with driver’s license applications, the percentage of state residents registered to vote increased from 78 percent to 98 percent over four years. Election officials are also automatically updated when a voter changes residences, streamlining the process for updating voter records.

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